Loving during Covid-19
Neal and Darlene Petersen discuss aspects of their marriage and relationships they have built over 20 years and how they are growing in the period of Covid-19. What are the lessons you are learning to be a better person and partner in these unusual times?
So funny how you were on that plane ride about being alone….not being commmited sooo funny guess my prayers worked regarding relationships…found a great keeper…lovely interview getting to know you both as caring inspiring people …funny my marriage after 40 years is disaster …never would have seen that from me 25 or even 10 years ago …it was helpful your examples of Gwen and left behind baggage …I am trying to get rid of baggage your sharing of freedom is encouragement for us all to be our healthiest …please visit if your ever in pa USA
Julia, Appreciate you reaching out. Yes, we have covered a lot of ground since that flight and we continue to grow. There is more coming.
Thank you for sharing your love story and sincere congratulations on your 20th anniversary.
Neil your Mom was my biology teacher at Livingstone. I’m sincerely grateful to her for helping to shape my love for the sciences.
Stay safe.
Dilshad (Begg)
Thank you for sharing this. Yes, mom made a huge impact, and so continues to a second and third generation. My nephew, Jesse, works closely on our programing. We need still more scientists. Mom’s work is far from done. Neal
Great thoughts, and thanks for sharing!